What You Need to Know Before Buying a Ferret

Compared to other less common species, ferrets are relatively easy to breed. They usually live to be 6-9 years old, but with adequate care they can live to be 10 years old or more. They orient themselves in their environment primarily by smell, then hearing, with sight being the third sense. Males tend to be two to four times larger than females, even if they are neutered when young.

schovaná fretka

Seasonal changes

Ferrets change weight with the seasons. In the fall, ferrets accumulate fat in their subcutaneous tissue, which serves as an energy reserve for the winter. In spring, they burn this fat again. Thus, body weight changes physiologically by up to 40% during the year. Weight changes are also affected by molt, which occurs in the spring and fall.


Ferrets reach sexual maturity at about 8-9 months of age. Ferrets are seasonally polygynous. The literal translation is that the October cycle occurs repeatedly between March and August, followed by a winter lull. When the ferret\’s daily light hours fall below 8 hours, the October cycle stops even in summer, and vice versa.

The gestation period of ferrets is 41-42 days. On average, 8-10 pups are born at each birth, naked, deaf, and blind.
hlava fretky

Breeding Requirements

Ferrets can be kept alone or in pairs or harems. Ferrets like to find different places to roam, so they should not be allowed to roam freely in the house without the owner\’s supervision. They should be given a cage with a soft resting place, food container, water fountain, and toilet.The size of the cage should be appropriate for the number and size of ferrets being kept. Care must also be taken to ensure that the cage is not placed near heaters or other heat sources. Ferrets sweat terribly and can die if the temperature is too high!