Swollen eyes, wrinkled shirts, hair pulled back in a quick ponytail or sloppily brushed up in a bun, and conspicuously frequent appearances around the coffee machine? That\’s how you can tell the two office types apart: party-lovers and parents. Party-lovers and banquet-goers bring on the condition themselves, whereas parents are triggered by their children\’s teeth gnashing, colic, and love of metal. How to tell the difference? If you\’re looking for a parahuman, he\’s a party animal. If he\’s hunting for pink powder in his bag along with cool pillows and standby bloomies, he\’s a parent. Whereas the party animal goes to work out of compulsion and prefers to sleep at home, mom and dad go to work to rest.
Partygoers often wonder how information about their karaoke performances, brawls with bouncers, and bathing in the fountain spread so quickly throughout the workplace. The answer is that there is always gossip wherever there are more than two employees. No one has any idea how all the news gets to her or him at such a speed (don\’t be fooled, gossip happens even in male-only teams) or how no one catches them in the act, but their spying skills would be the envy of the FBI. They skillfully avoid getting caught, and they enjoy blaming those around them for it. What\’s in it for him? Besides the sense of power, there is the never-ending fun.
While gossip is never going to be able to take the hot news straight to the top boss, gossip in a similar situation will have to be promoted. After all, how can someone who bathes in a fountain be an effective department head? Fortunately, they are here and already pouring into the vacancies. Do not confuse them with workers. Workers are very popular in the group because they believe that working overtime and finishing their co-workers\’ restos is the way to get ahead, but creeps are not afraid of any shortcuts or meanness. Do your co-workers write last-minute reports or desperately beg the office bee to finish their presentations? They say yes! He is already done with them.
Occurrence: office