Those who already have bank accounts undoubtedly operate via the Internet. Going to the bank or branch is time consuming. Besides, why waste time when you can do the procedure at home with a cup of coffee or beer? You can do just about anything by sitting in front of your computer, launching your bank\’s website, and typing in your username and password. Only some banks sent the control code back to the account holder via SMS. Some banks did not.
Unfortunately, the EU\’s strict and uncompromising instructions forced everyone to take this foolish and belated step.
Hackers can certainly bypass this cumbersome authentication, but more for our own security than to buy time. But hackers can certainly circumvent this cumbersome authentication. Well, maybe not all, but most.
So once the money is deposited into the account, the bank checks to see if the payment can be made. So, this too can be overcome through gritted teeth. However, what some banks are introducing is probably already well over the line.
So the point is, you can\’t copy and paste numbers somewhere else. You know that, right? When you log in, you do not enter your name, you enter your user number. This is assigned to you by your bank. So you have it somewhere on your computer, copy and paste it…
No, that would be too fast, so for the sake of novelty, you would be forced to copy that entire 10-digit number by hand. If your memory is not very good, you will have to type it in every single time you make a money transaction, over and over again. Ugh
Those who do this frequently and all the time will have no problem because they remember the number. But most people will have to enter the number manually.
I leave it to the kind reader to judge this news. Sure, one gets used to everything. But this may be a bit of an exaggeration. In any case, let us hope that something better will appear soon.