This is the most common type of company operating in the Czech Republic. Shareholders are responsible for liabilities up to the amount of the deposit, not the entire asset, as if doing business as a self-employed self-employed person. Minimum deposit, authorized capital is allowed by law from 1 crown. However, it is generally recommended to have a registered capital of czk200,000 or more. The higher it is, the more reliable the behavior of the company.
A company may be formed by a single member or by multiple members. It is important to know that after drawing up a social contract and signing a notary, the company will be established, but it occurs at the moment of registration in the commercial register.
The process of setting up a company is not simple and requires knowledge of the problem. If you are not sure that you do not want to take risks, you can contact one of the companies that are engaged in the creation of the enterprise and its management.1
The first step in setting up a company is to create a social contract. This must be confirmed and confirmed by a notary, so it is better to contact him with a request to draw up this contract. The social contract must include the name of the company and the registered office, the purpose of its activities and the amount of the base deposit, indicating a certain amount for each partner, whether the partner is a legal entity or a natural person. In addition, the contract defines how to act on behalf of the directors and the company, determines the administrator of the deposit and the members of the supervisory board.
The proposal for registration in the Commercial Registry will then be submitted to the Registry Court by all Managing Directors signed with certified signatures. This registration can delay you to do business for some time, it can take several months, it depends on the amount of work of a particular court. At the moment of registration in the commercial register, the company is established, and this decision of the registration court is delivered by registered mail.
Once the company is established, your first duty is to register with the local tax authorities.
Establishment of a limited liability company