Emperor Penguins – The Perfect Diver

These penguins have mostly black bodies, white bellies, and yellow around their ears. Males and females are the same color and the same size. They are approximately 120 cm tall and weigh 22-45 kg. Depending on the sex, males are generally heavier than females. They are about the size of a 6- or 7-year-old child. Penguins love winter, without which they could not exist, and their refuge is the Antarctic .
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Like other penguins, they cannot fly, and their wings are very stiff and serve only as fins in water. Penguins are best in the water, but although they may appear clumsy, they are also very fast on land and are skilled walkers capable of walking for miles. Penguins are also very well known for their travels. Both in flocks and individually, they walk as much as 150 kilometers each year. However, most of their lives are spent in the water, hunting for food.
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As carnivores, they hunt in the water, preying mainly on fish, crustaceans, and squids, especially krill, cephalopods, and scorpions. When hunting, they can remain underwater for almost 20 minutes and can dive to depths of up to 500 meters.
Breeding takes place during the Antarctic winter, i.e., from May to June, when the female lays a single egg, which is cared for by the male. Once the young are born, the female becomes the head of the family and manages the family\’s food. Once the chicks hatch, they are cared for in the colony.
Penguins of this species live to be about 20 years old, but various observations indicate that some individuals can live to be as old as 50 years old.
With current global warmingcausing significant reductions in glaciers and ice cover, this is a major risk for penguins. It is in these areas that the penguins are spotted and where they live. This is a major threat to penguins and will endanger them

in the future.

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