These days, relationships are a bit notorious for being very short-lived. Maybe it\’s the ease of communication through cell phones and social networking, or maybe people are just too lazy to really stay in a relationship. Of course, in the beginning it is always wonderful and everything seems rosy. But sometimes, when reality hits, it can be really hard. Especially when you make a terrible mistake and realize that the person you thought was the embodiment of the sacred is actually someone else entirely.
Don\’t rush into choosing a partner and be careful not to jump head first into a relationship. Be as thrifty as possible, look at things from a distance, and try to determine from the outset what might bother you and what you can tolerate. Also, finding the ideal partner is really hard and who knows if it even exists …… So remember that you have to accept the options in your environment. Write down somewhere on a piece of paper the conditions you expect from your future partner. On another piece of paper, list what you have to offer from your side. Also write down any negatives you know. It can be a really interesting experience to evaluate yourself from the other side, something you normally have a hard time admitting.
Look at both lists carefully and think to yourself whether your list of requirements is too strict with regard to your negative personality traits. Of course, this does not mean that you must sink to the bottom of the possibilities and take the first partner you meet. But it doesn\’t hurt to hold your nose and consider whether you could be the ideal partner of your dreams. Finding a partner can be a real challenge, and it often takes years to finally meet the “right” or “true” partner, and sometimes it can seem like you are destined to be left-handed only…
Do you have an ideal partner?