Computer Games and Their Impact

Explain the distinction between computer games. There are several genres of games played by computer enthusiasts.

1. Action

2. Fighting

3. Race

4. platform

5. puzzle

6. adventure game

7. shooting game

8. simulator[90 91]

9. Strategy

10. RPG

[115 116] 11. Mix

Each player can choose from these categories to participate in the action.

podsvícený PC

Computer games are essential for children. They develop reflexes and stimulate imagination. Many children are also much better educated because of computer games than they would have been without them. Those of us living in the modern world support this approach and wish to fulfill children\’s development to the fullest. However, computer games are not only for children to play. Even if they start as children, they can become hooked and gaming can become a hobby. Games can be both relaxing and adrenaline-promoting.

One can also play games with friends who are not in the same room via an Internet connection. This allows the user to make friends with others who share the same enthusiasm for this type of entertainment and expand their circle of friends. By connecting to the Internet and communicating with people all over the world,we can also learn languages.The most common is English. Anyone who plays games can also learn the languages spoken by their new friends and expand their vocabulary. By repeating certain stimuli in the game, we repeat our vocabulary so we are not caught off guard.

Hraní her

If you have a neighbor who is a computer or gaming enthusiast, he or she can introduce you to the topic and explain why they enjoy the hobby so much. Such a profession can be created very easily. There are many YouTubers who make money from gaming and live streaming. Some are so good that they don\’t need a second job and it is their main income. See for yourself. Do a little research and see if this topic appeals to you, or get right into the story. It is not idle to be told, “I do not live only one life, I live many lives.


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