Floating floors

Gone are the days when carpets were laid everywhere in condominiums. People now prefer floors that are easy to maintain and look good. Floating floors are those that are not firmly anchored to the subfloor. Today\’s floating floors are a slight imitation of the parquet floors of old castles that we still admire. Compared to parquet floors, floating floors are easier to clean, do not dry out or tear with changes in temperature or humidity, and do not require painting or sanding. The range of décor is extremely wide, and there is always something to suit everyone. Laminate floating floors offer many wood decorating options and are affordable.úklid podlahy
Flooring has gained popularity due to its ease of installation, durability, and maintenance. As such, it has become an integral part of modern living trends.
Installation of the floor with the locking system is very quick and, according to the enclosed instructions, can be done by anyone with the help of a stop block and tightening lever. A soft subfloor called Mirelon is laid on top of the base layer, which acts as a thermal and acoustic insulation layer and protects the lower part of the floating floor. When measuring the number of slats needed, 5% should be added to the net area for pruning. Transition strips can also be used if the same style of skirting board needs to be purchased and lined up along the wall or if two different types of flooring need to be joined end-to-end.
Laying can be done year round, but only in new construction should you wait until the subfloor is dry enough to prevent moisture from remaining under the floating floor. The choice of flooring material should take into account not only the décor, but also the load the floor is subjected to, and the load rating should be chosen accordingly. Bedroom and guest room flooring have different requirements, and busy kitchen flooring has different loads.plovoucí podlaha v ložnici
Maintenance of these floors is very simple; simply sweep or vacuum and wipe with a damp mop. Although the floor surface is water-resistant, mopping should be done in such a way that the floor does not get wet unnecessarily long.