Disappearing Animals

Dinosaurs and animals that were once here but will never be seen again. We can only learn about dinosaurs and animals from stories. Unfortunately, for future generations, these creatures may join the animals that are alive today and that we love. Our children and their children may no longer experience them or know them only through hearsay. Many populations are dying out and declining rapidly. Unfortunately, in many cases, humans themselves are to blame. Through our greed, avarice, and recklessness, rare species are becoming extinct. Without drastic change, to which species must we say goodbye?

The northern rhinoceros

One of the largest herbivores on land. The Dvur Kralove Zoo is considered one of them. In the wild, these animals are killed solely for their horns, a very valuable commodity to poachers. Various shamans consider this horn powder sacred or medicinal, and in 2009 the Czech zoo sent four healthy individuals to a reserve in Kenya for breeding. This attempt failed and one male died.


Mountain gorillas

Primates killed indirectly. Humans are destroying their natural habitat, the rainforest. Gorillas are then forced to take refuge in unfamiliar environments that are dangerous for them. Gorillas become easy targets for poachers. Primates also take refuge in cities, where they are killed in self-defense.


Chum dolphins

One of four freshwater dolphins found primarily in China. In 2006, an expedition was organized to cross the river, but after no specimens were found, the dolphin was declared extinct. Dolphins are a symbol of peace for the Chinese.

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